2022年9月22日 星期四

SOGO崇光百貨:回收 Mustela及Babo Botanicals已洗淨嘅空瓶 即可獲贈Mustela $20現金券(至10月2號)

最新信用卡超市生活百貨個人護理店優惠👉 http://bit.ly/超市優惠

用完Mustela及Babo Botanicals啲護膚品,唔好咁快掉落垃圾筒🗑!!因為Mustela及Babo Botanicals所採用的容器係🧴均可回收,循環再用架♻️!!由即日起至2/10/2022期間,凡親臨崇光銅鑼灣店7/F投放Mustela及Babo Botanicals已洗淨嘅空瓶🧴,即可獲贈Mustela $20現金券💰!誠邀大家齊來愛護地球🌎,減少浪費同循環再用♻️,賦予容器第二生命🍀。

【Giving Used Bottles A 2nd Life🧴♻】

After using Mustela and Babo Botanicals skin care products, don't throw them to the trash bin🗑 directly. The containers🧴 of Mustela and Babo Botanicals are recyclable♻️ and reusable to reduce waste generation with your support. From now until 2/10, as long as you put the cleaned and empty bottles🧴 of Mustela and Babo Botanicals at 7/F SOGO Causeway Bay store, you will receive a $20 Mustela cash voucher💰. Join us to love the Earth🌎, reduce waste and reuse to give the bottles a second life 🍀. 

#sogohongkong #sogohongkongCWB #Mustela #BaboBotanicals #recycle



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