2022年9月7日 星期三

崇光百貨SOGO:Ladies Fashion Brand VIP Days優惠(至9月13號)

 【Ladies Fashion Brand VIP Days優惠大晒冷🛍️🤤!】

Ladies Fashion Brand VIP Days世一💞!由即日起至13/9/2022期間,崇光銅鑼灣店2/F指定女裝品牌專櫃為SOGO Rewards會員帶嚟多項精彩獨家購物優惠,當中包括激筍折扣及豐富禮品,等各位Sis都可以乘機入手各款潮流衣飾😛,為衣櫃嚟個大翻新🥰!

【Ladies Fashion Brand VIP Days Offers in A Glance🛍️🤤!】

Ladies Fashion Brand VIP Days is the best💞! From now until 13/9/2022, SOGO Rewards members can enjoy a vast array of exclusive shopping offers, from unbeatable discounts to complimentary gifts at designated counters on 2/F SOGO Causeway Bay store. Grab this chance to shop the trendiest fashion items😛 and refresh your wardrobe🥰!

#sogohongkong #sogohongkongCWB #sogorewards #sogofashion #LadiesFashion #BrandVIPDays


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