2022年9月21日 星期三

香港藝術館: 互動活動 送精美紀念品






【Snap & Redeem】Snap a photo of the “visual landscape” of the Museum’s collection and get a free gift!


Located on the coastline of Tsim Sha Tsui against the stunning backdrop of Victoria Harbour, the Hong Kong Museum of Art has recently added a unique landscape that enhances the charm of its surroundings. The digital art installation 𝘉𝘦𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 displayed in the lobby presents highlights of our collections from different perspectives, and we invite visitors to interact with this exciting project and participate in the process of transforming the images of our exhibits into extraordinary landscapes. Select your favourite work of art from the installation, snap a photo of your “visual landscape” and present the photo to our Museum ambassadors to redeem a souvenir. Only a limited number of souvenirs available—on a first-come, first-served basis—so make sure you come along and take part in this pop-up “Snap & Redeem” campaign to get your free gift!


吳子昆 (1972 –)|語外觀內——從語境框架到觀賞本身|2022|數碼藝術裝置|尺寸多變|藝術家委約作品|Ng Tsz Kwan (1972 –)|Beyond the frames: from perceiving frames of context to experiencing art in itself|2022|Digital art installation|Size variable|Commissioned artwork


#香港藝術館 #HKMoA #影賞 #SnapandRedeem #吳子昆 #NgTszKwan #語外觀內 #BeyondTheFrames #裝置藝術 #InstallationArt #康文署 #LCSD #康文署寓樂頻道 #LCSDEdutainmentChannel #寓樂頻道 #EdutainmentChannel #101入門教室 #101Academy #康文十十十 #LCSDPlusss



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