2022年10月19日 星期三

免費換領 新世界維港泳2022特別版口罩(至10月22號)

 【新世界維港泳 x Share for Good “Happy is ~~~” 慈善義賣🌟 】

為咗將 #快樂力量傳遍全城😃,#新世界維港泳2022 推出以「Happy is~~~」為主題嘅期間限定紀念品,以慈善義賣嘅方式將收益捐畀全港首個大型捐贈配對平台「#ShareforGood #愛互送」❤️,代購物資再轉贈畀有需要人士。今個weekend,只要嚟 K11 Art Mall,就可以將兩款「Happy is ~~~」紀念品帶返屋企!包括印有四個可愛泳手公仔嘅手提袋,以及輕巧便攜嘅運動保温瓶,等大家可以帶住Happy Waves周圍去!✨ 

「Happy is ~~~慈善義賣」活動詳情:



地點: K11 Art Mall 2樓(K11 Natural外)


🌟 Happy is…手提袋

🌟 Happy is…運動保温瓶

提提你,訂閱埋We are Artisans電子報,仲可以獲贈 NewWorld Mask 特別設計嘅新世界維港泳2022特別版口罩添!數量有限,送完即止。

【New World Harbour Race x Share for Good “Happy is ~~~” Charity Sale🌟 】

To #EmpowerHappyWavesForAll, we have designed two merch items under the theme of “Happy is ~~~” for charity sale. Proceeds will be donated to the Hong Kong first largest crowd donation platform, Share for Good, providing those in need with daily necessities. This weekend, come to K11 Art Mall to bring the entire line home! From the printed tote bag with four avatars illustrations to the limited edition thermal water bottle, show and share your happiness with the city!

“Happy is ~~~” Charity Sale

Date: 15, 16 and 22 October 2022 

Time: Noon to 8:00pm

Location: 2/F, K11 Art Mall (Outside K11 Natural)

Items for sale:

🌟 Happy is… Tote Bag 

🌟 Happy is… Thermal Water Bottle

As a bonus, we will even throw in a Harbour Race-themed face mask, designed by NewWorld Mask, if you subscribe to the We are Artisans mailing list (Limited quantity available while stock lasts).

Come to K11 Art Mall for them all!

#NewWorld #新世界維港泳 #NewWorldHarbourRace 

#全城游出快樂力量 #EmpowerHappyWavesForAll #CreatingSharedValue



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