【 昂坪360秋日呈獻 #歲月文具巡禮 開心返埋嚟】
我哋首度聯乘日本經典文具角色Fueki漿糊仔,打造4⃣米高嘅Fueki漿糊仔巨型扭蛋機,送出過萬份禮品!同場更設有多個大家都用過嘅巨大化懷舊文具畀大家打卡💗!仲有#文具時光走廊 獲香港資深玩具收藏家莊慶輝先生借出多件珍藏,包括50-80年代經典書簿及文具,帶大家重拾兒時回憶。市集周末仲有#和諧粉彩工作坊,俾父母同小朋友一齊發揮創意!
【360 Nostalgic Stationery Showcase – looking back in joy】
When we grow too fast, everything becomes a nostalgia many yearn for – including the stationery you used as a kid. From now on until 20 November 2022, Ngong Ping 360 collaborates Japanese classic stationery character “Fueki kun” with a 4-metre tall, gigantic Fueki kun toy capsule vending machine to giveaway over 10,000 gifts . We’ve also turned all sorts of traditional stationery tools into large installations. Moreover, the “Stationery’s Memory Lane” showcases the valuable collections from Mr Chong Hing-fai, a local vintage toy collector. The exhibits included a variety of popular stationeries and books that widely used during the 1950s to 1980s. Parents and kids can join the “Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop” at Ngong Ping Village during weekend to enjoy quality family time together. Let’s look back in joy through a nostalgic journey together.
#昂坪360 #NP360 #NgongPing360 #文青 #文具青年 #歲月文具巡禮 #Fueki漿糊仔