2022年10月6日 星期四

Sino Club 25周年有獎問答遊戲 - Day 8:創新構思

 【Sino Club 25周年有獎問答遊戲 - Day 8:創新構思】


信和集團與香港蜆殼有限公司及香港創科公司希路能源於哪一個商場開設Shell Recharge充電站,為全港所有品牌電動車提供充電服務?





1. 按此連結:https://bit.ly/3r5jaHJ 與Sino Club開啟對話。

2. 在對話中:

- 輸入「25A」

- 按下「參與遊戲」

- 按下正確答案 。


溫馨提示: 遊戲時間為今日中午12 時正至翌日上午11 時正 


1. 下載Sino Club App並登記成為會員: https://bit.ly/3DPZ0ZW

2. 讚好「Sino Club」Facebook 專頁 及 追蹤 Instagram 帳戶: sinoclub,並須於指定連結按指示填寫所需資料 (整個活動只需填寫一次)

3. 每日最快又正確回答問題的10位參加者將會獲得Starbucks電子優惠券 (總值港幣50元);每輪最快又正確回答所有5條問題的首5位參加者更將會獲得香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店港幣500元電子餐飲禮券

4. Sino Club 將於下星期五香港時間晚上 11 時 59 分或之前於Sino Club Facebook/Instagram公布每星期的得獎名單

5. 每個參與者只能參加一次每日遊戲。如果有重複提交,只計算第一次提交。

條款與細則請參閱  https://bit.ly/3ULozBf

【Sino Club’s 25th Anniversary Prize Quiz - Day 8 Innovative Design】

Today’s (5 October) question:

Sino Group has partnered with Shell Hong Kong Limited and Halo Energy Limited to provide Shell Recharge station for electric cars from different brands. Which of the following Sino malls can you find Shell Recharge station?

A. Olympian City

B. China Hong Kong City

C. Citywalk

In order to win the fabulous prize(s), please make sure you follow the below steps:

1. Click the link: https://bit.ly/3r5jaHJ to start Chat Conversation with Sino Club.

2. In the conversation:

- Type “25A”

- Click “Join NOW”

- Press the button to answer the question.

*If you have unsubscribed the conversation and want to continue the game, please type “Subscribe”.

Notes: Game time: Mondays to Fridays 12 noon to 11 a.m. the next day.

【How to participate?】

1. Download Sino Club App and sign up as a member: https://bit.ly/3RlCrj2

2. Like Sino Club’s Facebook Page and follow @sinoclub on Instagram. Fill in the required details in the form we provide (You only need to fill in once throughout the entire event)

3. The first 10 participants with the correct answer will get the Starbucks e-Gift Certificates (total value of HK$50). The first 5 participants who answer all 5 questions correctly in each week will receive a The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong HK$500 dining e-voucher.

4. Sino Club will announce the list of winners next Friday before 11:59 pm on Sino Club’s Facebook Page or Instagram

5. Each participant can only join the daily game once. If there are duplicated submissions, only the first submission will be counted.

For the full Terms and Conditions, please refer to: https://bit.ly/3ULozBf

#SinoClub #CreatingBetterLifescapes #LifescapeCollections #25周年 #慶祝活動 #有獎問答遊戲 #GreenLiving #InnovativeDesign #CommunitySpirit #EventHighlights #綠色生活 #創新構思 #心繫社區  #富麗敦海洋公園酒店

