2022年10月7日 星期五

南豐紗廠:免費換領 Vetopia x Moonzen限量寵物啤酒

 周末來紗廠與毛孩Happy Hour🍻


毛孩都愛來紗廠,因為牠們可以做的事可多了!可以在寵物店做Spa,尋找自己喜歡的玩具和天然風乾零食,在天台公園和朋友玩耍……你以為就只有這些?還有!由即日至星期日, Vetopia Online Store 獸醫網上商店 在紗廠為你的毛孩送上健康的寵物啤酒,讓毛孩也可以和你一起Happy Hour🥳!

紗廠1樓中庭會設置自助換領機,你可免費換領Vetopia x Moonzen限量寵物啤酒🍻 (數量有限,送完即止)。這款啤酒由獸醫Dr. David Gething配方,含葡萄糖胺及肉鹼,有助關節及心臟健康,並由本地手工啤品牌Moonzen配以麥芽(不發酵)精釀,成為滿滿肉香的寵物健康飲品。

即場打卡分享,更可以獲贈Vetopia限量寵物啤酒杯一隻🍺!抓住夏天的尾巴,今個周末來紗廠和毛孩🐶享受Happy Hour啦!


#南豐紗廠 #TheMills #舊工廠 #新地標

#重塑未來 #LifeStyleReinvention

#寵物友善 #PetFriendly

#寵物啤酒 #PetBeer

Enjoy happy hour with your furry friends at The Mills🍻

with FREE pet beer formulated by vet

No wonder why our furry babies love The Mills so much! They can enjoy a spa, pick their own toys and natural dehydrated treats, and play with friends on the rooftop park... Is that all? Guess what, Vetopia is serving your furry kids healthy pet beer this weekend at The Mills. Imagine your furry buddies enjoying the happy hour drinks with you, how wonderful it is🥳!

Come and visit Vetopia Pet Beer Vending Machine at atrium, 1/F, The Mills to grab your fur babies a FREE Pet Beer🍻 (First-come-first-serve basis and while stocks last.) Vetopia Pet Beer is formulated by Vet founder, Dr. David Gethering with carnitine for a strong heart and glucosamine for healthy joints. Crafted by local master brewer Moonzen with melted grain extract (non-fermented), it is a delicious healthy drink for our furry friends to enjoy happy hours with hooman buddies! Take a photo with the pet beer and share on social to unlock the limited-edition beer mug 🍺for your furry buddies!

Catch the last bit of summer, come and enjoy a cool healthy beer with your pets 🐶!

*Vetopia Pet Beer is non-alcoholic. Please don’t feed your pet with human beer 🚫



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