2022年11月11日 星期五

希慎廣場:Champion 專屬雪糕車 免費派發雪糕(11月12號)

 【Black is Cool, Warm and Sweet at the same time 🖤】

Coolness and warmth may be contradicting for some - not in Champion's case. The FW22 Champion Black Edition adopts functional materials such as WRAP-AIR, C-VAPOR, C-FLEX, C-PROTECT WATER and C-PROTECT WIND to pursue a soothing and warm kind of comfort, all wrapped under a chill-looking black. Visit the store at Hysan Place now to explore the BLACK EDITION !

What about "sweet"? Visit Champion's ice cream cart to enjoy a free cone on following the brand's IG, and an additional black capsule on tagging the brand in your post. Let us BLACK you up in the coming season ✨!

🍦 Ice cream giveaway

📅 12th November 2022

⏰ 2 pm – 4 pm

📍 Opposite to Hysan Place (513 Hennessy Road)

冷和暖,似乎是相反詞——在 Champion 的世界,卻是一體兩面。品牌全新的 BLACK EDITION 膠囊系列,運用 WRAP-AIR (輕量、高透氣、高彈性), C-VAPOR (速乾), C-FLEX (高彈性), C-PROTECT WATER (防水) and C-PROTECT WIND (防風) 等功能性面料,在酷黑的時尚風潮下,精製一份高彈性的窩心穿著感,既冷亦暖。立即親臨希慎廣場分店探索 BLACK EDITION。

全黑也能「甜」起來。親臨 Champion 的專屬雪糕車,追蹤品牌 IG 就能獲贈免費雪糕筒;Tag 上特定品牌字句,更可獲贈驚喜扭蛋一個。型格一「黑」,今季由你親身演繹 ✨!

🍦 雪糕派發點

📅 2022 年 11 月 12 日

⏰ 下午 2 時至 4 時 

📍 希慎廣場對出 (軒尼詩道 513 號)

#LeeGardensHK #AroundLeeGardens #HysanPlace #discovercwb #cwb #FW22 #championhk



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