2022年11月10日 星期四



只逛展覽都可領獎!下載或更新JMAHK手機應用程式📱,於場內指定地點掃瞄4個 QR Code 集齊電子遊戲券,即可於展館 1DB46【「碼」上有禮攤位】免費獲得可愛小熊耐熱玻璃杯一隻!數量有限,送完即止。  



📍地點:香港會議展覽中心 · 展館1

🗞️大特賣情報: shorturl.at/rNP57

💠珠寶展詳情: https://www.jewelryshows.org/

[🎊"Scan and Win" a Prize in the Show!] 

You can win a prize just by wandering at the Show! 📱Download or update JMAHK App, and use the App to scan the QR codes at 4 designated checkpoints in Hall 1 to collect the 4 E-tickets and you can redeem a Cute Bear Heat-Resistant Glass at the Scan & Win booth in Hall 1DB46! First-come, first-served while stocks last!

JMA Hong Kong International Jewelry Show

📅 Date: 24-27 Nov 2021

📍Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

💍More great selections in the Big Sale: shorturl.at/rNP57

💠Show Details: https://www.jewelryshows.org/

#JMA香港國際珠寶節 #JMAHongKong #hkjma #game #shopping #Bigsale #大減價 #diamond #耳環 #earrings #necklaces #頸鍊 #rings #戒指 #Christmasgifts #bridaljewelry #jewelry #碼上有禮 #scanandwingame



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