2022年11月28日 星期一

Les Halles:免費派發Delifrance出爐鬆餅、La Perruche鸚鵡牌純正方糖(12月1至3號)

 【📣Series of exciting opening promotions are waiting for you!🎁🎈🥳】

Our team is so excited to meet you all on 1-Dec (Thur)! We have prepared exciting promotions and activities for you all!  ⚡️Don’t miss the 5% off discount on opening day 🎁 

On the first two days, 3 to 5pm, we will also giveaway Delifrance Muffin and La Perruche Suger Cubes for free. 🧁

Dear Wan Chai Friends, see you all on 1-Dec (Thur)! 👋

*Terms and conditions apply. Free gifts are limited in a first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last.


Les Halles團隊急不及待想同大家見面喇﹗我哋準備咗一系列禮遇同活動俾大家,包括:開幕日全店95折🎁、開幕首兩天,下午3至5點,免費派發Delifrance出爐鬆餅、La Perruche鸚鵡牌純正方糖﹗🧁千其唔好錯過喇✨




📍Shop No. G18-20, Lee Tung Avenue, Wan Chai

⏰Business Hours: 10am – 9pm

#LesHallesHongKong #EuropeanGourmet #Grocery #APlaceToFindTheTasteOfHome #WanChai #LeeTungAvenue



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