2022年12月1日 星期四

香港哥爾夫球會:有獎遊戲 送不銹鋼水瓶及不銹鋼水杯(至12月14號)

 雖然喺冬天打高爾夫球,比夏天更少流汗,但依然要為身體補充足夠水分!😉 立即參加以下送禮活動,贏取球會不銹鋼水瓶及水杯,咁就無論係打完波定係屋企休息,天氣轉涼嘅時候都可以即時享受一杯暖笠笠嘅熱飲喇! ❄️


1. 讚好香港哥爾夫球會Facebook專頁 (@HongKongGolfClubOfficial) 或追蹤 @hkgolfclub Instagram帳號。

2. 傳送私人訊息到香港哥爾夫球會Facebook專頁或Instagram帳號回答以下問題:在冬天運動後,你會喝甚麽補充水分?爲甚麽?

3. 活動期間答得最有心思的用戶將被選中,並獲得球會冬日保暖禮物包乙個(包括乙個不銹鋼水瓶及乙個不銹鋼水杯)。

4. 得獎者將會獲專人通知,禮物包亦將於稍後以郵寄形式送出。

5. 活動日期:即日至2022年12月14日(截至23時59分)。


*香港哥爾夫球會就本活動之舉行方式 、參加資格、得獎資格及安排有最終及具約束力決定權。



Although you will sweat less when playing golf in winter than in summer, it is still very important to keep your body hydrated! 😉Participate in our latest giveaway and answer a simple question to win a Club-branded stainless steel drinks bottle and cup. Let’s enjoy the warmth of a hot drink when the weather turns cold!❄️

How to participate?

1. Like the Hong Kong Golf Club’s Facebook page (@HongKongGolfClubOfficial) or follow the Club’s Instagram account (@hkgolfclub).

2. Send a private message to the Club’s Facebook page or Instagram account and answer the following question: What do you drink to rehydrate after playing sports in the winter, and why?

3. The participants who provide the most interesting and imaginative answers will receive a winter gift set (including a Club-branded stainless steel drinks bottle and cup).

4. Winners will be notified directly, and the gift sets will be posted to the winners after the event has concluded.

5. Event date: From now until December 14, 2022 (until 23:59).

*The colours of the products in the gift set will be randomly assigned.

*The Hong Kong Golf Club has the final and binding right to decide the method, participation eligibility, award eligibility, and arrangements of this event.

#香港哥爾夫球會 #高爾夫球 #香港高爾夫球 #送禮活動 #禮物 #HKGC #Golf #HongKongGolf #Giveaway #Gift



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