2022年8月22日 星期一

Delifrance:AlipayHK免費酥點推廣 用優惠券惠顧滿$100 送迷你甜酥/酥卷2件(至8月31號)

 【Délifrance✖️AlipayHK免費酥點推廣🥧 Best promo for a pastry delight】

今日Happy Friday🥂,唔歎返兩件精緻嘅法式酥點加香濃咖啡,點迎接TGIF好心情☀️?! Délifrance推出限時優惠,由即日起到8月31日,AlipayHK用戶可以喺手機應用程式品牌頁領取Délifrance優惠券🤳🏻,嚟全線Délifrance分店正價惠顧滿$100即送你 #迷你甜酥或酥卷 2件(價值$25)*^,無論堂食定外賣一樣全日適用!件件都咁酥脆、牛油味香濃🧈,做下午茶份量啱啱好🇫🇷!

#TGIF🥂! Time to relax over the weekend with some delicate French pastries and barista coffee after a looooong week☀️. Délifrance is bringing you a special offer for eligible payments made through AlipayHK. From now until 31 August, AlipayHK users can get a promotion voucher from the merchant promotion page in the AlipayHK app🤳🏻 for redeeming 2 pieces of Mini Tidbits (original price $25)* for FREE upon dine-in or takeaway of regular-priced items with spending of $100 at all Délifrance stores^. Come and get these lovely pastries with flaky and buttery layers 🧈 in just the perfect bite size for a French afternoon tea 🇫🇷!

^受條款及細則約束Terms & Conditions apply

*數量有限,送完即止Available while stocks last

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