2022年8月25日 星期四

SOGO崇光百貨:Longchamp Flash Sale 低至2折(8月24至29號)

【Longchamp Flash Sale🌟精選貨品低至2折】

根據非正式研究顯示,每個女生都要有個Longchamp袋先夠圓滿🤗!無論日夜以至任何場合都能輕易配襯,手袋內部空間亦十分寬敞,可輕鬆收納所有日常必備用品,絕對係永恆經典嘅潮流指標🤩!Longchamp Flash Sale現正登陸崇光銅鑼灣店,由即日起至29/8/2022期間,提供多款超值貨品,當中精選貨品更低至2折,大家快啲嚟崇光銅鑼灣店21/F宴會廳搶購心頭好啦🛍️!

【Longchamp Flash Sale🌟Selected Items Up to 80% Off】

Rumor has it that every lady’s wardrobe isn’t complete without a Longchamp bag🤗! Perfect for any occasion day-to-night, their bags are often spacious enough to store all your daily essentials while keeping your look classy and stylish🤩! Longchamp Flash Sale is now happening at SOGO Causeway Bay store. From now until 29/8/2022, a wide array of discounted items await, with selected items available at up to 80% off. Head over to the Ballroom on 21/F SOGO Causeway Bay store now🛍️!

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