2022年9月16日 星期五

永安百貨:網店 超級購物日 貨品預購(至9月20號)

最新信用卡生活百貨優惠👉 http://bit.ly/超市優惠

 #超級購物日永安網店貨品預購 開始咗喇!由即日起至2022年9月20日,大量貨品喺永安網店以🔥超筍價🔥預售!而且喺永安網店單壹購物淨額每滿$1,600,即可獲贈$50永安網店電子現金優惠券壹張✨~

咁著數,立即click入 https://c01.co/15KIK 帶晒你嘅心頭好返屋企啦😍!

Super Sale NETshop Pre-order is now ON! From now till Sep 20, 2022, a wide range of selected items at 🔥surprisingly discounted price🔥 are available for pre-order! You can also get a $50 Wing On NETshop e-Cash Discount Coupon upon single net purchase of every $1,600 at Wing On NETshop✨~

Click https://c01.co/15KIK to check out all the amazing deals and bring your favourites home😍!

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