2022年9月16日 星期五

HK Express:昂「首」出發!票價低至$ 198起(至9月30號)


【昂「首」出發!票價低至HKD 198* 起】

【Take a Seoul break with fares starting from HKD198*】

韓國早前進一步放寬入境要求,無論您係掛住明洞邊掃貨邊掃街嘅快樂時光,定係想去漢江公園感受韓劇氣氛,抑或著住韓服遊走韓屋村打卡嘅您,而家係時候Set定 Out of Office email,準備一齊昂「首」出發!我哋為 #想GO飛 嘅您帶嚟限定優惠,首爾(仁川)票價由HKD 198* 起,約1,400 個嘅機位即時開搶!搶晒就冇架喇~


只要免費成為MyUO會員,來回機票即減最少HKD20 起^ ~




The entry restriction to Korea has been further relaxed recently. Fancy shopping and tasting authentic local delicacies at Myeongdong? Plan to stroll around K Drama filming spots in Hangang Park? Or dress up in your #ootd hanbok to check in at Hanok Village? Seoul has it all! It is time to set your OOO email for your much-needed break!

Our speical fares to Seoul (Incheon) are starting from HKD 198*, and there are around 1,400 seats waiting for you to grab. First-come-first-served while stock last. Time for your move!

Booking Period: From now until September 30, 2022

Travel Period: October 11, 2022 - December 18, 2022

Book now: https://bit.ly/3dgxlGM

💡Saving tips:

Register as a MyUO member for free and enjoy at least HKD 20 off on your round-trip ticket^! 

*優惠數量有限,須受有關細則及條款約束。票價不包括相關稅項及附加費。Limited availability. Terms and conditions apply. Fares exclude tax and surcharges.

^需登入MyUO會員方可享有相關優惠,須受有關細則及條款約束。You must log in as a MyUO member to enjoy this offer. Terms and conditions apply.

#韓國 #首爾 #仁川 #Korea #Seoul #Incheon #機票優惠 #開展您想旅程 #TravelYourWayWithUO #Express #HKExpress #YourMove



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