2022年9月15日 星期四

Oliver's Super Sandwiches:翡翠明珠/軒尼詩店 指定下午茶餐 買1送1(至10月31號)


【銅鑼灣翡翠明珠分店、軒尼詩分店限定 – 下午茶餐買一送一🎊】



*優惠只適用於Oliver's Super Sandwiches 銅鑼灣翡翠明珠分店及銅鑼灣軒尼詩分店。


*此優惠不可兌換現金及不可與其他優惠、折扣、優惠券同時使用 (包括SUPER CLUB會員折扣及優惠) 。



*Oliver's Super Sandwiches將保留優惠使用之最終決定權。

【JP Plaza Branch & Hennessy Apartments Branch Exclusive – Tea Set Buy 1 Get 1 🎊】

It’s tea time treat☺️! From now until 31 October, enjoy BUY 1 GET 1 FREE 🌟 for Tea Set T5 - Hot Dog with Bacon. Spicy Mince Pork. Cheese. French Fries 🌭 (value $52) at our JP Plaza Branch or Hennessy Apartments Branch. Grab your bestie to enjoy a relaxing afternoon together👯!

*This offer is valid from 12th September – 31st October 2022.

*Applicable to Oliver's Super Sandwiches JP Plaza (Causeway Bay) Branch and Hennessy Apartments (Causeway Bay) Branch only.

*Applicable to dine-in only.

*Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers and discounts (including SUPER CLUB discount).

*SUPER-Point can be earned upon purchase using the offer above.

*Terms & Conditions apply, please contact our branch staff for details.

*In case of any disputes, Oliver's Super Sandwiches reserves the right of final decision.

#OliversSuperSandwiches #BuyOneGetOneFree #TeaSet



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