2022年10月28日 星期五

富豪酒店:有獎遊戲 送黑松露巴斯克芝士蛋糕(至11月7號)


踏入十月,秋意漸濃,又到了品嚐松露的季節🍂。富豪酒店全新推出 #黑松露巴斯克芝士蛋糕,軟滑濃郁的芝士🧀配上香氣撲鼻的高級松露,滋味暖入心。現時只要參加以下有獎遊戲,即有機會獲得黑松露巴斯克芝士蛋糕 ,為味蕾帶來全新體驗。




步驟1: 讚好Regal Hotels 富豪酒店(@regalhotelsinternational)的Facebook專頁及此帖文 


步驟2: 在圖中找出黑松露巴斯克芝士蛋糕的數目並於留言位置寫下答案

步驟3: 於留言位置回答「您吃過最深刻的芝士蛋糕是甚麼?」,並分享原因

步驟4: 標記2位朋友,邀請他們一起玩遊戲





按此參閱此活動之條款及細則: bit.ly/3TUroir

【“Can You See What I See” #Giveaway】

Aromatic and creamy with bold flavor, this newly-launched Black Truffle Basque Cheesecake by Regal Hotels is going to take you straight to Autumn🍂.   Looking for a little "happiness" on your day? Join the game below and you’ll have a chance to get this heartfelt dessert🍰.

Prizes (Total: 10): 

The 10 participants who give the correct answer with the most creative sharing can win a Black Truffle Basque Burnt Cheesecake (worth HKD238).

Giveaway details: 

Step 1: “Like” Regal Hotels Official Facebook Page (@regalhotelsinternational), and this post


Step 2: Find the number of Black Truffle Basque Burnt Cheesecake and give the answer in the comment section

Step 3: Answer the question “what is the most impressive cheesecake that you have ever had?” and share the reason in the comment section

Step 4: Tag 2 friends and invite them to join the giveaway

Campaign period:Starts from 25 Oct 2022, 12:00pm to 7 Nov 2022, 12:00pm

Winner announcement: By 9 Nov 2022 on this Facebook page (winners will be informed individually by Inbox Message)

* Winners shall provide personal particulars including but not limited to the full name as stated on Hong Kong Identity Card, mobile phone number and email address. Winners shall collect the prize and redeem it in person within the designated date, time period and at particular hotels.

** Photos are for reference only

Click here for terms and conditions of the campaign: bit.ly/3TUroir

#富豪酒店 #有獎遊戲 #RegalHotels #BasqueBurntCheesecake #TruffleCheesecake



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