2022年10月29日 星期六

The Mills 南豐紗廠:市集、毛孩Catwalk Show、彩繪工作坊(至10月30號)


仲有毛孩Catwalk Show🐩、彩繪工作坊

今個周末紗廠將會非常熱鬧!除了之前介紹過的Trick or Treat🍬、手部彩繪、捐血🩸等紗廠活動和好匠優惠,星期六日還有場勝將軍主辦的「WEWA鬼叫萬聖節市集」,有140個攤檔售賣不同的萬聖節產品,更有毛孩萬聖節服裝,讓你即場為毛孩來個大變身🪄!


至於10月30日(星期日),市集現場會有毛孩鬼馬Cat Walk Show,一眾毛孩會化身鬼怪行Catwalk,咁可愛的鬼怪,在其他地方真的找不到喇😍!咁多精彩節目,記得星期六、日嚟紗廠,玩轉萬聖節啦!

👻場勝將軍 - WEWA鬼叫萬聖節市集




#南豐紗廠 #TheMills #舊工廠 #新地標

#重塑未來 #LifeStyleReinvention

#Halloween #市集 #萬聖節市集

🎃Halloween Market with

Pet Catwalk Show🐩, Body Painting Workshop and Mini Concert

The Mills is going to be very busy this weekend! Apart from the Halloween activities such as trick-or-treat🍬, hand-painting and blood donation🩸 and shop promotions introduced before, there will be a Halloween market organized by PopupShogun on Saturday and Sunday too! You can shop at a total of 140 stalls which sell different Halloween products, even costume for pets🪄. 

After that, you may join the body painting workshop to create a cute and spooky picture on your skin. Take a picture to show off your Halloween outfits and painting and enroll in The Mills Halloween Instagram Competition🤳🏻!    

On Oct 30 (Sunday), there will be a Pet Catwalk Show in which pets will dressed up as Halloween characters. Their cuteness will melt our hearts😍! 

With so many happenings and events, you can surely have a lot of fun this Halloween. See you at The Mills this weekend!

👻PopupShogun - Halloween Market

Date: Oct 29-30 (Sat-Sun)

Time: 13:00-20:00

Location: The Mills



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