2022年10月27日 星期四

Marine Elements:免費換領 深海肌元 特效深層滋潤霜試用裝、貨裝特效深層滋潤霜 50ml

 【🎁#試用大招募 不要錯過任何改變的機會 今日開始提升肌膚狀態】


把握每次讓皮膚變得更好嘅機會!立即INBOX我哋一張面部敏感泛紅的照片📷,及完成以下步驟*,MarineElements 深海肌元就會送出特效深層滋潤霜試用裝一份,與你一齊體驗法國深海滋潤力量🪸!

試用後,只需INBOX我們一張同樣部位和皮膚使用後改善的相片。MarineElements 深海肌元將送出 #貨裝 特效深層滋潤霜 50ml 乙件!想還原水潤肌,


▷條款及細則: https://bit.ly/3Bu7WBd

【🎁#FreeProductTrial Now is the chance! Start improving your skin condition today!】

Every time you choose a skincare product, it is an opportunity to improve your skin condition! 🆙What skin issues do you want to improve the most? Skin sensitivity, redness, or dryness? Take the first step to repair your skin today with precious ingredients from the sea!

Send us an INBOX message with a photo📷 of your sensitive skin and complete the following steps*, Marine Elements will send out a free sample of Marine Elements Ultra Intensive Cream for you to experience the full hydrating power of marine ingredients!✨

After using the sample, send us another INBOX message with a photo showing how the same area on your skin has improved and we will give you a full retail sized version of Marine Elements Ultra Intensive Cream (50ml)!🪸

Want to rehydrate your skin? *Leave us an INBOX message to find out more! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

▷Terms & Conditions: https://bit.ly/3Bu7WBd



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