2022年10月4日 星期二

ifc:Miss Dior Millefiori精品店 體驗送精緻禮品(至10月9號)

 【#icbeauty - Blossoming, alluring】

The Oval Atrium has blossomed into a wonderland brought forth by Miss Dior Millefiori Boutique from today till 9 Oct, a one-stop boutique where you are framed by zillions of flowers on the floral staircase, haute couture dress and more - and make yourself glow all round, by bringing home the new Miss Dior Millefiori Couture Edition perfumed delights and limited makeup collection, which indigenously combine ultimate aesthetics with functionality.

Don't forget to spread the love by sending personalized, scented postcards to your beloved ones at the boutique, and get a special door gift upon completion of the event!

由即日起至10月9日,一同踏進於一樓中庭的Miss Dior Millefiori精品店,猶如身處色彩繽紛的繁花仙境。從巨型香薰瓶擺設、千花迴旋樓梯到千花禮服裙,讓您盡情享受馥郁花香的氛圍。同時以全新Miss Dior Millefiori 珍藏版香薰及彩妝系列產品,賦予肌膚愉悅、亮麗的時光。


Dior Beauty (Oval Atrium 中庭)

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