2022年11月25日 星期五

九龍城主題步行徑:城中鳥 九龍城觀鳥體驗團(11月25號起報名)












查詢:3183 0928




1. 參加者必須自備耳機(3.5mm插頭)以連接至無線導賞接收器。

2. 參加者報名之姓名須與香港身份證相符,步行徑職員有權要求中籤者出示身份證明文件以核對身份(個人八達通、學生證等均可接受)。

3. 本機構將以電郵或短訊通知中籤者,如參加者在10個工作天內沒有收到任何通知,則可視作落選論。

4. 每人只可登記一次,重覆報名者將被自動取消資格。

5. 參加者必須佩戴口罩及量度體溫,恕暫不接受無佩戴口罩或額溫超過攝氏37.4度者參加活動。

6. 活動於戶外進行及會消耗體力,參加者請自備糧水、防蚊用品等,並留意個人體力和天氣變化。

In the fourth quarter of the year, it is not only a migration season for migratory birds, but also an optimal season for bird watching for nature lovers. It is common to discover their traces in wetland, ponds, rivers and country parks. However, have you ever thought of capturing those interesting bird faces in the community instead of hills and countryside? Is there any place you can do bird watching in Kowloon City? What are the common city birds you can find? In this winter, let’s dig for this ecological treasure together!

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3FVYric (Opens from 25 Nov 3pm)

Birds in the “City”: Kowloon City Bird Watching Tour

Date & Time: 

Session A|9 Dec 2022 (Fri) 15:00-17:00

Session B|17 Dec 2022 (Sat) 15:00-17:00

Location: Kowloon City

Speaker: Ms Chio Hio Tong

Target: 10 or above, welcome to participate in pair

Quota: 16 persons per session (150 applicants of each session are eligible to join the drawing lot. 16 successful applicants will be selected and another 16 persons will be added to the waiting list.)

Language: Cantonese 

Enquiry: 3183 0928

*Equipment is limited. Activity will be done in groups.

**Bringing your own telescope is welcome.


1. Participants should bring headphones (3.5mm plug) to connect to the touring system.

2. The applicant’s name must be the same as shown on HKID card. Our staff has the right to ask successful applicants to show their proof of identity for checking. Personal Octopus and student card are accepted.

3. Successful applicants will be notified by email or SMS. Applicants who are not contacted within 14 working days may assume their applications unsuccessful.

4. Each person can register only once. Participants will be disqualified automatically if more than one registration is received.

5. All participants are required to wear a mask and have a body temperature check. Those who are neither wearing a mask nor body temperature exceeds 37.4 are not permitted to enter the class.

6. It will be an outdoor activity that requires certain physical strength. Participants are recommended to bring energy food and water, mosquito repellent. Please also pay attention to weather and your own physical condition.

#秋冬限定 #生態導賞 #城市觀鳥 #一齊睇雀 #仲有寫生環節 #市區生態 #九龍城 #步行徑 #歡迎自備望遠鏡



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