2022年11月24日 星期四

HK Express:感謝祭優惠 日韓航點 票價低至$208(至11月28號)

 【Thanksgiving 必搶!票價低至HKD208*】

【Thanksgiving Sale with fares as low as HKD208*!】

今年Thanksgiving為大家送上日韓熱門航點感謝祭優惠答謝大家!福岡、名古屋、沖繩、首爾、濟州及釜山票價低至HKD208*,旅遊日期橫跨春夏兼櫻花季,快閃出走定Open Jaw玩盡兩個城市先返香港都得,係時候計劃定2023年嘅旅行喇!優惠限時5日,手快有手慢無~




This Thanksgiving, we would like to spread the joy to our customers with special fares to Fukuoka, Nagoya, Okinawa, Seoul, Jeju and Busan, as low as HKD208*! ​ Whether it is a weekend vacation or open jaw trip to two cities, this sale gives you the perfect excuse to book yourself the 2023 getaway to all the cities that you love anytime from Spring to Summer, including the cherry blossom season! Hurry up! This sale will end in 5 days ~

Booking Period: From now until 28 November 2022 

Travel ​ Period: 1 February to 10 July 2023

Book Now: bit.ly/3Xv9hCm

*優惠數量有限,須受有關細則及條款約束。票價不包括相關稅項及附加費。Limited availability. Terms and conditions apply. Fares exclude tax and surcharges.

#ThanksgivingSale #BlackFridaySale #TicketSale #感恩節 #機票優惠 ​ #開展您想旅程 #TravelYourWayWithUO #Express #HKExpress #YourMove



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🌟【簽$300減$300】2022年12月31號前,DBS新客經理事豬申請DBS Eminent Card,可享高達$1,700獎賞。其中最抵係簽$300一次就送$300「一扣即享」,足足100%回贈。

