2022年11月22日 星期二

Elements 圓方:有獎遊戲 送Lancôme指定唇膏(至11月23號)

 【Lancôme瑰麗獻禮】 #有獎遊戲

以非凡魅力迎接佳節,揭開Lancôme 2022 聖誕珍藏版閃爍美肌彩妝箱,發掘多款美肌、彩妝及香水產品等,由內至外打造亮麗美肌。立即參加以下遊戲,即有機會獲Lancôme指定唇膏1支!(價值HK$325) (店號: 2112)


1. 讚好ELEMENTS 圓方Facebook 帳號及追蹤ELEMENTS 圓方 Instagram帳號 (https://www.instagram.com/elementshk/)

2. 讚好並分享此帖子,分享設定為「公開」

3. 在留言中回答問題: 「影片中共出現幾多支唇膏?」(提示: 有展示唇膏色調的唇膏方計算為1支)


第1階段: 2022年11月22日下午1時正起

第2階段: 2022年11月22日下午6時正起

第3階段: 2022年11月23日下午1時正起

第4階段: 2022年11月23日下午6時正起

遊戲截止日期: 2022年11月23日晚上11時59分(香港時間)

*每個Facebook帳戶全期活動只可參與1次,概不接受重複的留言。得獎者(共20名)將於2022年11月28日或之前經訊息(Inbox Messages)收到領獎通知。得獎者須下載ELEMENTS 手機應用程式,並登記成為「圓方之友」方可領獎。圖片只供參考。如有任何爭議,ELEMENTS圓方對此活動保留最終決議權。其他條款及細則適用: https://www.elementshk.com/....../2022-wallgame-lancome

【Lancôme: Gift the Extraordinary】 #Giveaway

‘Tis the season for glamorous charm as Lancôme introduces a 2022 Limited Edition Beauty Box, featuring an exciting array of skincare, makeup and fragrance products. To share the joy of this season, join the game now for a chance to win a designated Lancôme Lipstick (valued at HK$325)! (Shop no. 2112)

To join this game:

1. Like ELEMENTS Facebook page and follow ELEMENTS on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elementshk/

2. Like this post and share as “Public”

3. Answer the question in the comments box: “How many lipsticks are shown in the video?” (Hints: Each lipstick shade represents ONE lipstick)

Selection Criteria: This game is open for participation in 4 time slots. In each time slot, the first 5 participants* who have completed all steps above with correct answers will get a designated Lancôme Lipstick. (20 winners in total)

Time slot 1: 22 November 2022, HKT 13:00

Time slot 2: 22 November 2022, HKT 18:00

Time slot 3: 23 November 2022, HKT 13:00

Time slot 4: 23 November 2022, HKT 18:00

Enrolment deadline: 23 November 2022, HKT 23:59

*Each Facebook account holder can join this game ONCE only. Duplicated entries will not be accepted. Winners (20 in total) will receive an Inbox Message on or before 28 November 2022 with gift redemption details. Winners are required to download ELEMENTS app & join “Friends of ELEMENTS” for gift redemption. Images are for reference only. In case of any dispute, ELEMENTS and Lancôme reserves the right of final decision for this activity. Other terms and conditions apply: https://www.elementshk.com/....../2022-wallgame-lancome



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🌟【簽$300減$300】2022年12月31號前,DBS新客經理事豬申請DBS Eminent Card,可享高達$1,700獎賞。其中最抵係簽$300一次就送$300「一扣即享」,足足100%回贈。

