2022年11月16日 星期三

香港航空:十六週年 三重驚喜 來回票價 低至$1314(至11月30號)


【三重驚喜 來回票價低至港幣1,314!】

生日喎,唔係唱生日歌俾自己聽,自己開心咁簡單,當然要同大家分享喜悅啦!由今日起至11月30日,你可以喺我哋官網購買特定機票時,獲得 #三重驚喜優惠︰

1️⃣ 指定航班可享驚喜票價,往來 #台北 機票低至HKD1,314 (#經濟飛經濟艙 只包括7KG手提行李)


3️⃣ 用 #Visa 卡購票,仲可以額外獲得1,128 FWC積分





Triple surprise offer to celebrate Hong Kong Airlines' 16th birthday!

It is Hong Kong Airlines' 16th birthday, and we want to share the joy with all of you! From today until 30 Nov, you can purchase tickets with #TripleSurpriseOffers:

1️⃣ Special fare for selected flights! The lowest price to #Taipei is just HKD 1,314 (#BasicEconomyFare including 7KG carry-on baggage only)

2️⃣ Enter the promo code "BDAY160" when searching for your flight to enjoy an HKD160 discount offer*

3️⃣ Purchase your ticket with a Visa Card to earn an extra 1128 FWCs points

Call your travel companion, pick the destination and plan your trip for next year!

Learn more about the offers: https://bit.ly/3O5Eck4

*Offers only applicable to eligible flights departing from Hong Kong between 30 January and 30 March 2023. Terms and conditions apply.

#香港航空 #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #ReadySetGo



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