2022年11月17日 星期四

太古地產:有獎遊戲 送太古廣場$5,000禮品卡(至11月20號)

 參與「創流不息」挑戰,贏取豐富獎品! |

The “ORIGINAL. ALWAYS.” Challenge Is On – Win Incredible Prizes!


今次我們精心準備了一系列問題,考考大家對太古地產有多了解!立即接受「創流不息」挑戰,也邀請你的家人和朋友一起參加,看看誰能答中最多,有機會贏得大獎 - 太古廣場港幣5,000元禮品卡!

As our 50th Anniversary festivities continue, find out how well you know us via our short but tough (and very fun) quiz.

Spread the word, get your family and friends to take part, and win some fab prizes including a HKD5,000 Pacific Place Gift Card.


【參加方法 How to Join】

1. 追蹤 @swireproperties Instagram。

Follow @swireproperties on Instagram.

2. 點擊簡介連結,進入活動頁面回答問題並填妥聯絡資料。

Enter through our link in bio to answer the questions and fill in the contact information section.


3. [公開組] 於活動期內,最快答對所有問題的5位參加者將獲得大獎:太古廣場港幣5,000元禮品卡及「創流不息」城市指南一份 ;每日中午12點後,最快在第一部分得到滿分的首100名參加者將獲得二獎:太古城中心港幣100元商場禮券及「創流不息」城市指南一份 (名額: 500位) 。

[Public Section] During the Challenge period, the first five (5) participants who answer all the questions correctly will be awarded the First Prize – a HKD5,000 Pacific Place Gift Card plus a copy of “The ORIGINAL. ALWAYS. City Guide”. And from 12 noon each day, the first 100 participants to score full marks in Part 1 of the Challenge will be awarded the Second Prize – a Cityplaza HKD100 Mall Voucher plus a copy of “The ORIGINAL. ALWAYS. City Guide” (500 winners in total).

4. [太古地產員工組] 於活動期內,最快答對所有問題的5位全職員工參加者將獲得大獎:太古廣場港幣5,000元禮品卡及「創流不息」城市指南一份。

[Swire Properties’ Staff] During the Challenge period, the first five (5) full-time staff taking part in the Challenge who answer all the questions correctly will be awarded the First Prize – a HKD5,000 Pacific Place Gift Card plus a copy of “The ORIGINAL. ALWAYS. City Guide”.

活動期 Challenge period: 16 to 20 November 2022 (closing at 23:59)

活動結果公佈日期 Results announcement: 30 November to 2 December 2022


Hint: You may find some of the answers on our Instagram page.

備註 Remarks:


The Challenge is only open to people living in Hong Kong. Each participant can submit one entry only. Senders of multiple submissions will be disqualified.



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