2022年11月17日 星期四

A-1 Bakery Group:聖誕蛋糕早鳥優惠(至12月18號)

 【A-1聖誕蛋糕早鳥優惠 🎄🎂】


聖誕節傳統節日就係空氣中飄散著浪漫氣息 💝,街上充滿色彩嘅燈光閃閃發亮,大家都抱著期待及興奮嘅心情歡度聖誕節🎅想過一個難忘嘅聖誕節就一定要有聖誕蛋糕‼今年A-1推出咗多款充滿傳統日式聖誕特色嘅蛋糕 🎂畀你揀,仲有 #聖誕早鳥優惠 等緊你 ! 會員同非會員都可以享有優惠折扣🎉有關詳情可參考以下嘅資料:


👉早鳥優惠 (分店及網上訂取📲)

優惠期: 11月16日至12月18日之前



Christmas is on its way. The feeling of Christmas is in the air, the luminous lighting is sparkling away all over on the street, we all get incredibly excited about Christmas. Everyone knows Christmas festivities are incomplete without a cake. In this year, lots of various Christmas cakes we offered have been specially chosen for you. Members and non-members have also been offered the early bird Christmas promotion. Come and visit us before it’s too late. The details are as below:


Early bird Christmas offer(in-store and online shop)

Promotion period: 16Nov to 18Dec

Promotion details: Guest will be entitled to 12 % discount off with Christmas whole cake purchased. Members will be offered an extra discount.


#A1Bakery #A1BakeryGroup #hkbakery #聖誕蛋糕早鳥優惠 #會員超級早鳥優惠 #早鳥優惠 #童真聖誕村 #芒果熱情果蛋糕 #響樂聖誕 #紅寶石朱古力蛋糕 #歡樂聖誕孖寶 #比利時生朱古力蛋糕 #AtelierGute聖誕樂園 #日本甜王士多啤梨千層蛋糕 #分店及網上訂取 #網店預訂 #聖誕節 #聖誕特色



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