2022年11月5日 星期六

Elpis Green:尖沙咀 The One 分店 免費換領 試用禮盒裝

 🎈機會來了!想獲得Elpis 五款皇牌產品試用禮盒裝🎁?


1. 關注@elpis.hkg Instagram & Like呢個Post 👍🏻

2. 讚好及追蹤Facebook Page @elpis.hkg 🕊

3. 於官方網頁加入成為我們的會員🛒

4. 於呢個Post下面告訴我們天然護膚品的好處 及 Tag @兩位朋友 👯‍♂️


只需完成4個步驟,於尖沙咀Elpis Green The One 分店展示給店舖同事,就能獲得試用禮盒裝一份!💃🏻

📣首50份可額外獲贈MOKANN 產品一份,數量有限,派完即止! ♨️

🔗 linktr.ee/elpis.hkg 🔗HKTVMall 🔗YESSTYLE 

📍 Elpis Green (尖沙咀 彌敦道100號 The ONE, UG1, UG1A)

📍 C:NE (銅鑼灣、旺角) 


🎈Do you want to get our 5x Free Sample Box from our shop?🎁

🔖All you need to do is:

1. Follow our Instagram Page @elpis.hkg and like this post 👍🏻

2. Like and Follow our Facebook Page @elpis.hkg 🕊

3. Join our Elpis Membership and become apart of our family from our website 🛒

4. Comment on this post, tell us the benefits of Natural Skincare and @tag 2 friends 👯‍♂️

Once you’ve completed these 4 steps, show it to our staff in Elpis Green The ONE Shop, and we will give you a Free Sample Box!! Just like that!💃🏻

📣 First 50 sets can get MOKANN small sized product. Boxes are limited! Don’t miss out!♨️

🔗 linktr.ee/elpis.hkg 🔗HKTVMall 🔗YESSTYLE 

📍 Elpis Green, UG1A, UG1, The ONE, 100 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

📍 C:NE (Causeway Bay, Mong Kok)



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