2022年11月4日 星期五

Vetopia Online Store 獸醫網上商店:荃灣南豐紗廠 登記新會員 送 Animalkind 羊肉 + 麥蘆卡蜂蜜小食(11月5至6號)

 大件事📣Vetopia Foodies 開Party🥳


😋 我地邀請左超過二十位Vetopia Foodie到場慶祝

👨🏼‍⚕️Dr. David又會黎分享關於寵物飲食營養

🏕 靚靚露營風打卡位,帶你去Animalkind嘅產地紐西蘭🇳🇿,俾毛孩一邊影靚相,一邊享受天然嘅美味!

🕹 即場登記會員參加有獎遊戲,有機會得到Animalkind 羊肉+麥蘆卡蜂蜜小食(85g)

🤑 會員獨家優惠,喺popup store用優惠價購買Animalkind凍乾系列和濕糧罐頭!

有得玩又有優惠! 今個weekend約定你呀!

日期: 5-6/11 (星期六至日)

時間: 12pm - 8pm

地點: 南豐紗廠地下(靠近入口附近)

Vetopia Foodies Party is coming!

Come join us this weekend at The Mills, we prepared a WOW day for you!

😋20+ Vetopia foodies are invite for,our kick off celebration

👨🏼‍⚕️Dr. David will share nutrition on pet food 

🏕 Camping set up with NewZealand suburb, the birth land of Animalkind freezw-dried food

🕹Game with prize for new member registration

🤑Member exclusive discount for Animalkind freeze-dried & canned food at Popup store. 

Date: 5-6/11 (sat & sun)

Time: 12pm - 8pm

Location: The Mills G/F (near to the entrance)



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