2022年11月5日 星期六

NO.13:免費請飲 ORION 75沖繩精釀系列生啤(至11月11號)

 【Rugby 7之No.13陪你啤一啤】


去睇波又點少得啤酒助慶?為咗隆重慶祝,No.13喺11月4日-11日決定免費請大家飲返杯 #ORION 75沖繩精釀系列生啤!更特設打卡活動,得獎者可獲限量 #ORION 75沖繩精釀系列紀念品!

No.13好高興同 METABEV 合作,為大家引入最新ORION 75沖繩精釀系列生啤:

🔻採用Ella, Enigma 啤酒花及沖繩大麥

🔻獨有沖繩縣產「 Shikwasa 青檸 」清新風味,果香濃郁


《第1️⃣擊 - 請你飲返杯!》



🔹讚好及追蹤 NO.13的FB及IG專頁

完成後我哋會inbox send電子換領券俾你,到時親臨本店出示返,即可免費獲得一杯 #ORION 75沖繩精釀系列生啤!

《第2️⃣擊 - 打卡作句活動贏限定獎品!》



🔹於此帖文留言,並上載飲用 #ORION 75沖繩精釀系列生啤的打卡相


🔹使用詞語(大坑No.13/沖繩/Rugby 7)作句

被選中嘅參加者即可獲得ORION 75沖繩精釀系列毛巾乙條!限量30份,先到先得!(得獎者將會於活動完結後在帖文回應通知)

Rugby 7 | No.13: Enjoy A Free Drink with us!

The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Rugby 7 is on!

What's the point of going to the game without a beer to celebrate? From November 4 to November 11, No.13 is pleased to collaborate with METABEV to bring you the latest ORION 75 Craft Pilsner series draft beer.

🔻Ella, Enigma hops and Okinawan barley

🔻Distinctive Aroma & Freshness of the Unique Okinawa Citrus Fruit - “Shikwasa”

🔻Sustaining Crisp Freshness associated with Classic Pilsner

<No.13 Event #1️⃣- HAVE A DRINK>

🔹Leave the comment "I want to have a drink !” and tag 3 friends

🔹Like & Follow NO.13's FB and IG pages

We'll inbox send an e-voucher afterwards. Participants, please present it to the No.13 staff, and you'll get a free glass of #ORION 75 Craft Pilsner craft beer! Limited quantity, first come, first served!

<No.13 Event #2️⃣- Win Limited Prizes!>

🔹 Upload a photo of you drinking #ORION 75 Okinawa Brewery Series draft beer in the comment box of this post.

🔹 Create a story with the phrases - Tai Hang No.13/Okinawa/Rugby 7

After drinking the wine, you can't miss out on the creative punch line event and get a towel from ORION 75 Craft Pilsner Series for the selected participant! Limited to 30 copies, first come, first served! (Winners will be notified in the post after the event)

NO.13 Modern Japanese Cuisine & Bar

📍:12-13 Shepherd Street, Tai Hang Tai Hang, Hong Kong | 大坑施弼街12-13號地下B鋪

☎: 2504 2777

📱 : 9333 2757



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