2022年11月7日 星期一

HK Express:4個航點機票 限定優惠價由HKD 128起(至11月14號)

 【春遊新選擇!票價低至HKD 128* 起】 

【Spring It On! Fares starting from HKD128*】 

春天呢個咁風和日麗嘅季節梗係最適合去旅行啦!唔想淨係去shopping同食嘢,想去一個新地方試吓啲唔同嘅體驗,咁就唔好錯過今次嘅機票優惠!我哋已經為您精選咗4個航點:峴港、 清邁、 釜山及濟州,想享受陽光與海灘 、欣賞自然景色、或者純粹俾自己好好放鬆一下都得~ 峴港同清邁嘅限定優惠價由 HKD 128* 起,而釜山同濟州嘅限定優惠價則由 HKD 188* 起,仲唔即刻plan定行程? 





With the perfect weather, it's no doubt that Spring is the best travel time you've been dreaming of! Make your spring getaways memorable without just going to shop or eat as HK Express has selected 4 inspiring destinations that you can't be missed: Da Nang, Chiang Mai, Busan and Jeju. Pick your own vacation from enjoying the bright sun and the gorgeous beach, admiring the magnificent beauty of nature or just chilling out. Our time-limited fares for Da Nang and Chiang Mai start from HKD 128*, while the time-limited fares for Busan and Jeju start from HKD 188*, start planning before they lapse! 

Booking Period: From now until November 14, 2022 

Travel Period of Da Nang and Chiang Mai: December 4, 2022 - July 10, 2023 

Travel Period of Busan and Jeju: January 22, 2023 - July 10, 2023 

Book now: https://bit.ly/3NRmIYV


*Limited availability. Terms and conditions apply. Fares exclude tax and surcharges. 

#峴港 #清邁 #釜山 #濟州 #機票優惠 #開展您想旅程 #TravelYourWayWithUO #Express #HKExpress #YourMove



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