2022年11月7日 星期一


 #周二快閃優惠 繼續唔好比佢停🎉!今個星期二嘅主角就係人見人愛嘅💁🏻‍♂ #烤焗雞翼 !

聽日星期二(11月8日)晚上6點後,所有PizzaExpress Club會員嚟PizzaExpress堂食,只要惠顧一份烤焗雞翼並出示此帖子,即時送您多一份烤焗雞翼*!


*必須於下單時出示此帖子以享用優惠。只適用於堂食。每枱最多可享有免費烤焗雞翼乙份。只適用於PizzaExpress Club會員,不能與其他優惠同時使用。送完即止。只適用於2022年11月8日。如有任何爭議,PizzaExpress(Hong Kong)Limited保留最終決定權。

Here comes another #TuesdayTreat 🎉! This time it's our well-loved #chickenwings 💁🏻‍♂

PizzaExpress club members, dine-in tomorrow (8 Nov, Tue) after 6pm to get another portion of chicken wings for free when you order a portion. All you need to do is to present this visual*!

Register now to enjoy member-exclusive privileges!


*Please show this post upon ordering to enjoy the promo, applicable for dine-in only. Maximum one free portion of chicken wings per table. Available exclusively for PizzaExpress Club members, not to be used in conjunction with other promotions, while stock lasts. Available only on 8th November 2022. PizzaExpress (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to final decision in any events of dispute.



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