2022年11月7日 星期一

The Metropolitan Opera in Hong Kong:有獎遊戲 送你樂遊叮叮」貴賓席 電影門票(至11月21號)


🎁FREE giveaways are up for grabs as a prelude to Music on the Rails, featuring special music performances on the red antique tram! 

[Click See More for English version]

🎵亞洲藝術音樂推廣基金會 (The Metropolitan Opera in Hong Kong)聯同Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 ,為您帶來一場音樂驚喜!🚋紅色古典「叮叮」將搖身一變成移動舞台,行駛上環至銅鑼灣的大街小巷之間,並由一眾年輕本地聲樂家在車上演唱法國經典歌劇樂曲,為深秋增添浪漫氣息。🍂




🎬二等獎:”The Met: Live in HD” 美國大都會歌劇院高清系列電影門票2張(共4個名額)





1. 在個人FB或IG發布以電車為主題的照片,或你以電車為背景的唱歌影片

2. 簡短介紹你的心水音樂,並在貼文中使用 #MusicontheRails 標籤

3. 讚好並追蹤The Metropolitan Opera in Hong Kong 和Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 


1. 活動截止日期及時間為2022年11月21日星期一,23時59分。

2. 答案最有心思和原創性的參加者,將有機會獲獎。

3. 得獎名單會於2022年11月23日於主辦機構FB/IG 專頁公佈,得獎人士將有專人透過FB/IG私訊聯絡領獎方法。

4. 大獎與一等獎得獎者必須登記預留座位,並視乎實際供應情況而定。

5. 每FB/IG帳號只可參加一次。

6. 如發現有參加者抄襲其他人作品,參加者將被取消其資格而不另作通知。

7. 如有任何爭議,亞洲藝術音樂推廣基金會及香港電車保留最終決定權。


🎵Watch out for musical surprises from FAMA (The Metropolitan Opera in Hong Kong ) and Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 ! 🚋The rarely seen red antique tram is transformed into a moving stage, with our local young artists performing French operatic pieces as it travels from Sheung Wan to Causeway Bay, filling the streets with beautiful singing. 🍂

✅By completing a few simple tasks on Facebook or Instagram, you will get a chance to win a VIP reservation to the performance on the tram, with more exciting gifts waiting for you!

🏆Prizes include:

🚋Grand Prize: 2 VIP Reservations for Music on the Rails (4 sets)

🎬Second Prize: 2 Tickets to The Met: Live in HD Series (4 sets)

🎟Third Prize: 2 Emperor Cinemas Movie Vouchers (4 sets)

🍵Fourth Prize: 1 Vintage Opera Poster (10 sets)

🖼Fifth Prize: 1 HK Tramways Ding Ding Smile Vacuum Flask (10 sets)

Join us now and follow the steps below:

1. Post a photo or a video of you singing with the tram as the background

2. Write a short description of your favorite songs and use the hashtag #MusicontheRails

3.  Like and follow The Metropolitan Opera in Hong Kong and Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 

Terms and Conditions

1. Participation deadline: 23:59 on Monday, 21 November 2022.

2. Most creative participants will be picked as winners. 

3. The list of awardees will be announced on this FB/IG page on 23 November 2022. Awardees will be contacted via FB/IG private message for prize collection. 

4. Grand Prize and Second Prize winners must complete registration for seats, subject to availability. 

5. Each FB/IG account can only participate once. 

6. If any participant is found to have plagiarised other's works, the participant will be disqualified without further notice.

7. Should there be any controversies, FAMA and Hong Kong Tramways reserve the right of final decision.

獎品贊助 Sponsor: Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院 / Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 / MCL Cinemas 

#musicontherails #hktramways #opera #arts #classicalmusic #music #operainhk #giveaway #hkgiveaway #metliveinhd #歌劇 #古典音樂 #藝術 #文化 #舞台演出 #音樂 #香港電車 #送禮 #送禮活動 #香港送禮 #有獎遊戲

