2022年10月13日 星期四

Délifrance:AlipayHK 品牌頁優惠券 免費升級餐飲/送法式小蛋糕(至12月31號)


 【AlipayHK 品牌頁優惠券放送🎟️🌟 Délifrance & AlipayHK present: New Brand Page Offers】

最浪漫嘅法式下午茶Combo,非Délifrance嘅經典 #法式小蛋糕 Madeleine配酸酸甜甜嘅 #芒果熱情果梳打 莫屬💘!而家AlipayHK用戶可以喺手機應用程式品牌頁領取Délifrance優惠券🤳🏻,再嚟全線Délifrance分店惠顧堂食或外賣,即有機會兌換下列獎賞!

❤️關注即賞🌟 即日起至12月31日,正價惠顧任何套餐即可免費升級餐飲至 #芒果熱情果梳打14oz(原價$30)*^

❤️商戶優惠🌟 即日起至11月30日,正價惠顧滿$100即送 #法式小蛋糕 2件(原價$24)*^

Sweet, buttery and soft Madeleine ➕ refreshing Mango & Passion Fruit Soda will make the most delightful and romantic treat💘! Délifrance is presenting a French-themed afternoon tea combo along with AlipayHK New Brand Page offers – the dual offers are ready for AlipayHK users upon dine-in or takeaway orders with eligible payment made through AlipayHK at all Délifrance stores🤳🏻. Check out the offer details as below:

💙Like to Reward: From now until 31 December, enjoy a FREE drink upgrade to Mango & Passion Fruit Soda^ (original price: $30/ 14oz) upon any purchase of set meal* at Délifrance

❤️Merchant Offer: From now until 30 November, redeem 2 pcs of Madeleine^ (original price: $24/ 2 pcs) for FREE upon net spending of $100 or above* at Délifrance

*受條款及細則約束 Terms & Conditions apply

^數量有限,送完即止While stock lasts


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @delifrancehk

#delifrancehk #delifrance #promotion #AlipayHK #afternoontea #Madeleine #MangoPassionFruit #Frenchafternoon



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