2022年10月15日 星期六

L’Occitane:崇光銅鑼灣店 玩小遊戲贏L’Occitane禮品(至10月25號)

 【與L’Occitane x Carbon Wallet 攜手回收減碳♻️】 

快啲嚟到崇光銅鑼灣店G/F嘅L’Occitane x Carbon Wallet期間限定推廣專櫃學習回收減碳小知識🌍! 由即日起至25/10/2022期間,親臨推廣專櫃參加小遊戲,即有機會贏取L'Occitane禮品同Carbon Wallet積分!🎁 參與100,000個空瓶回收挑戰,帶同已清洗及晾乾嘅美容空瓶進行回收,更可賺取L’Occitane及Carbon Wallet雙重獎賞,換取L’Occitane皇牌貨品! ✨ 馬上行動,同我哋一起齊Make Earth Green Again♻️! 

【L’Occitane x Carbon Wallet Recycle to Reduce Carbon Emission♻️】 

Join us at the L’Occitane x Carbon Wallet Pop-up on G/F SOGO Causeway Bay store to learn more about how to reduce carbon emission through recycling🌍! From now until 25/10/2022, join the mini game to win a L'Occitane gift and earn Carbon Wallet points! 🎁Take part in our 100,000 bottles recycling challenge by bringing your cleaned and dried beauty bottles to earn the double rewards from L’Occitane and Carbon Wallet to redeem the hero products from L’Occitane! ✨Act now and let’s Make Earth Green Again♻️!

#sogohongkong #sogohongkongCWB #LOccitane #CarbonWallet



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