2022年10月14日 星期五

Market Place:儲yuu 印花換獎賞 最後召集

最新信用卡超市生活百貨個人護理店優惠👉 http://bit.ly/超市優惠

【最後 7 天🔊yuu 印花最後衝刺】

提提大家,yuu 印花派發期仲有 7 日就結束啦,快啲 check 下儲咗幾多個印花啦!未儲夠嘅就要嚟 Market Place 掃貨💪,儲分又儲印!留意返,印花嘅兌換日期去到 10 月 27 日,記得喺截止前兌換禮品喇🎁!立即重溫多個印花優惠,捉緊最後機會!💓

⭐️買 1 排指定鈣思寶高鈣豆奶/植物奶 6x250 毫升,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 5 個印花即送1 排!

⭐️買 1 盒指定鮮奶/牛奶飲品/植物奶/豆漿 *236/500 毫升,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 5 個印花即送1 盒!

⭐️買 1 杯雀巢/明治/ Mövenpick 指定杯裝乳酪# 100-140 克 ,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 8 個印花即送 1 杯!

⭐️買 1 包 Meadows 各款三文治包/切皮三文治包 6/8 片裝,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 4 個印花即送 1 包!

⭐️買 1 包指定嘉頓切皮三文治方包/方麥包 4/6 片裝,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 5 個印花即送 1 包!

⭐️買 1 支指定紐西蘭康果果汁 1 公升,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 5 個印花即送 1 支!

⭐️買 1 盒空運土耳其無花果 700克,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 4 個印花即送 1 盒!

⭐️買 1 排嘉士伯 4 罐大罐裝/ 4 罐大罐裝醇滑啤酒,即獲 yuu 印花 1 個 👉🏻 儲夠 5 個印花即送 1 排!


# 希臘式乳酪除外

記得付款前要出示 yuu ID,一掃即儲,簡單輕鬆又快捷✌🏻!即刻嚟惠康各分店入貨儲 yuu 印花,豐富獎賞等你隨時換領🎁 !  

yuu 印花派發日期: 19/8 – 20/10/2022

yuu 印花獎賞兌換日期: 19/8 – 27/10/2022

[Last 7 days! Get more yuu stamps now]

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. yuu Stamp issuance period will end in 7 days! Check out our offers again, and if you need a few more stamps, this is your last chance to shop and collect at Market Place stores! The redemption period is valid till October 27, remember to redeem the goods before the deadline! 

⭐️Buy 1 pack of selected Calci-Plus hi-calcium soya/ plant milk 6x250ml to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 5 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 pack for free!

⭐️Buy 1 box of selected fresh milk/ milk beverage/ plant-based milk/ soy drink 236ml/ 500ml* to earn a yuu Stamp.  Collect 5 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 box for free!

⭐️Buy 1 cup of selected Nestle/ Meiji/ Movenpick cup yoghurt 100-140g# to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 8 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 cup for free!

⭐️Buy 1 pack of Meadows sandwich bread/ crustless sandwich bread 4-8 slices to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 4 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 pack for free!

⭐️Buy 1 pack of selected Garden crustless sandwich bread / wheat crustless sandwich bread 4/6 slides to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 5 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 pack for free!

⭐️Buy 1 bottle of selected Homegrown chilled juice 1L to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 5 Stamps to redeem 1 bottle for free!

⭐️Buy 1 box of Air-flown Turkey figs 700g to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 4 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 box for free!

⭐️Buy 1 box of Carlsberg / Carlsberg Smooth Draught King Can Beer 4s to earn a yuu Stamp. Collect 5 yuu Stamps to redeem 1 box for free!

*Stored at room temperature products exclusive

# Exclude Greek style yoghurt

Remember to show your yuu ID before paying and simply swipe your ID to collect the stamps! Shop and collect yuu stamps at all Market Place stores now!

yuu Stamp issuance period is valid from 19/8 to 20/10/2022

yuu Stamp redemption period is valid from 19/8 to 27/10/2022

yuu Stamp is only issued by Market Place, Market Place by Jasons mobile App and yuu to me online shopping platform. Yuu Stamp reward is applicable for Market Place stores with the listed rewards available.

yuu members please present yuu ID at cashier for Stamp collection. Based on single transaction only. yuu Stamp reward cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers. Terms and conditions apply. For offer detail, please refer to yuu App.

#MarketPlace #yuu #全港最大型獎賞計劃 #儲分又儲印 #儲yuu印花換獎賞 #TheBiggestRewardsClubEver #EarnPointsWithStamp #CollectYuuStampsAndRedeemRewards



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