2022年10月14日 星期五

SOGO崇光百貨:有獎問答遊戲 送AutoCamper露營套票(至10月25號)

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1) 於10/10至25/10/2022期間,SOGO Rewards會員凡於崇光銅鑼灣店4/F運動用品部累積購物滿$1,500 (最多2張不同專櫃之發票),

2)「讚好」SOGO Hong Kong (香港崇光百貨) Facebook專頁;

3)「讚好」本帖文,並在留言欄Tag 3位好友;


4) 留言回答問題:「您最喜愛香港哪一個露營地點及原因?」。


• 活動日期由即日起至25/10/2022 23:59止。

• 每個Facebook帳號只可參加1次。

• 當中「符合以上資格」及「最有創意的回答」之參加者,即有機會贏取AutoCamper紅花嶺4人1車露營套票1份(價值$550,名額10個)或2人1車Ogawa Glamping豪華露營套票1份(價值$2,500,名額1個)

• 套票預約日期:1/1/2023-28/2/2023(周五、周六及公眾假期除外)

• 獎品不可兌換現金或更換其他貨品。 

• 得獎者將於30/11/2022或之前獲個別Facebook Inbox通知。

• 得獎者須持有相符會員號碼之發票正本於領獎時出示以作核對資格。

• 如有任何爭議,崇光(香港)百貨有限公司保留最終決定權。

【Q&A Giveaway🎁|Enjoy the Green Scenery! Free AutoCamper Camping Package⛺】

As the camping season arrives, bring your friends or family to nature for a breath of fresh air! Complete all the steps below and answer the question for a chance to win a special gift from SOGO — AutoCamper Camping Site Package Giveaway. Spend your day off amidst nature🥳!

Participation method:

1) Accumulate spending of $1,500 or above (max. 2 sales memos from different counters) on 4/F Sports Department, SOGO Causeway Bay Store during the period of 10/10/2022-25/10/2022

2) "Like" SOGO Hong Kong Facebook Page

3) “Like” this post and tag 3 friends in the comment section below

4) In the comment, answer this question: Where is your favorite camping spot in Hong Kong? Why?

Terms and conditions

• Game period lasts until 25/10/2022 23:59.

• Each Facebook Account can join the game once.

• SOGO will pick eligible winners who completed all the above steps and provided the most creative answer. Winners will have the chance to receive a camping package from Autocamper - 4 campers and 1 car (worth $550) (Quota: 10), or an Ogawa Glamping package - 2 campers and 1 car (worth $2,500) (Quota: 1)

• Package booking period: 1/1/2023-28/2/2023 (Except for Fridays, Saturdays and Public Holidays)

• The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or redeemable for goods. 

• Winners will be notified individually via Facebook Inbox on or before 30/11/2022.

• Winners must present the sales memo showing their own membership number for verification upon prize collection.

• In the case of any disputes, SOGO Hong Kong Co., Ltd. reserves the right of final decision.

#sogohongkong #AutoCamper #glamping #giveaway #有獎問答遊戲



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