2022年10月25日 星期二

南豐紗廠 Petisan 免費派發 狗狗小食(10月29至30號)




🎃 Petisan (115號鋪)於10月29-30日特別送出狗狗小食於紗廠場內向各位毛孩派發,而店內就有FURBIES HK快閃店售賣狗狗萬聖節小食及烘焙食品,包括南瓜撻、迷你萬聖節蛋糕等等。凡消費滿$300,還可獲免費萬聖節Goodie Bag一個!

🐶 Hidden Gems HK (101號鋪)是另一個毛孩玩Trick-or-treat的地點,加上店內主打的天然風乾零食,可以預見毛孩一定垂涎三尺啊…… 另外,今年他們更將店面打造成「威利世界」,同事都會打扮成威利,而在3樓的Hidden Gems Wellness Club(307號鋪) 就設有慈善威利打卡區,有威利套裝給主人和寵物打卡,所有款項都會捐贈到保護動物慈善協會。

🎃 FM+ (G04號鋪)就準備了FM+ x Slobber Bakery人手鈎織南瓜造型頸袋和寵物圍巾頸圈,毛孩戴上後不太驚嚇,但可愛度急升!

🐶 The Common Ground (G05-G07號鋪) 亦新上架一批萬聖節主題毛絨玩具,例如可愛的「南瓜籃」、像大白鯊一樣的「鬼怪切齒」……10月31日前購物滿$800更可享有9折優惠。


#南豐紗廠 #TheMills #舊工廠 #新地標

#重塑未來 #LifeStyleReinvention

#Halloween #TrickorTreat

#寵物友善 #PetFriendly

👻 Halloween treats and activities for pets 

Bring your flurry kids to The Mills!

Halloween is not only for human, but also a special period when our flurry kids can dress up, play, and have fun with us! The Mills have prepared a series of goodies for them, such as healthy snacks, accessories, and toys. Get prepared and share the happiness and thrilling moments with your pets!

🎃 Petisan (Shop 115) will be giving out free treats for pets in different corners of The Mills on Oct 29-30. Meanwhile, you can visit the pop-up corner of FURBIES HK at their shop to feed your dogs with Halloween-themed snacks and bakery such as pumpkin tarts and mini cakes. A free goodie bag will be given to you for a spending of $300 or above too.

🐶Hidden Gems (Shop 101) is another spot where pets can play trick-or-treat. Together with the mouth-watering natural dehydrated pet treats, no pets can resist drooling. Moreover, they are transforming the shop to ''Wally's World'', with their staff dressing up as Wally and there will also be a Where's Wally Charity Photobooth at Hidden Gems Wellness Club (shop 307). All profits from the photobooth will go towards @lap.org.hk

🎃 FM+ (Shop G04) has launched a series of Halloween accessories for pets. The hand crocheted pet bags and neck accessories will make your pets even cuter!

🐶The Common Ground (G05-07) has launched a selection of plush toys, such as the Pumpkin Basket, Barky's Bite, to let your pets have fun during Halloween. Don’t forget that you can enjoy 10% discount for a purchase of $800 or above by Oct 31. 

Enjoy Halloween with your pets at The Mills!



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