2022年11月7日 星期一

香港科學館「與龍同眠」遊走於恐龍腳下 留宿活動報名(至11月12號)





活動日期: 18-19.11.2022


報名日期: 4-12.11.2022

報名方法: https://cutt.ly/xN0oj7f

【Hong Kong Science Museum: "A Night with Dinosaurs"】

“A Night with Dinosaurs”, a family sleepover programme crafted especially for “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation” exhibition, has won overwhelming support by the public since its launch. Here comes a good new! The Hong Kong Science Museum is offering a limited edition of the programme for the Muse Fest HK this month for free!

If you want to give your kids a fresh experience by staying a night at the dinosaur-packed Science Museum, don't miss out this sleepover programme, which includes a treasure hunt within the dinosaur exhibition hall, science demonstrations and a relaxing time under the last starry night of dinosaurs. A night of fun and educational activities awaits you.

"A Night with Dinosaurs"

Date: 18-19.11.2022

Participants: Aged 6 to 12 (Each child must be accompanied by a parent)

Registration period: 4-12.11.2022

Registration link: https://cutt.ly/ZN0ohaj

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