2022年11月7日 星期一

「光影.龍城 社區攝影比賽2022」入圍及得獎作品展 下載手機 APP 免費獲贈展覽紀念品(2023年座枱年曆)







查詢:3183 0928 / 5926 1456


We can find historical buildings as well as long-established grassroot shops in Kowloon City District. They are rooted in the community witnessing the development and changes of a place, however, some of those are already gone, some are still operated by the old owners, and some are already passed on to the next generation. Although we are facing the scarcity of land in Hong Kong, the old shops still shine among districts because of its decorations, design, layouts, and wisdom of life.    

Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail organised "Dragon City of Light and Shadow” Community Photography Competition 2022 from 6 June to 5 August 2022. The competition aims at arousing awareness of the public towards community change and allows them to record the features of community through photos and texts. We received around 400 applications this year. 19 entries were shortlisted after a preliminary screening to proceed to final judging and online vote. 9 awards would be presented to winning entries at last. Those entries were already showcased in the Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre.

Shortlisted and Award-winning entries of the "Dragon City of Light and Shadow” Community Photography Competition 2022 Exhibition

Date: From now until 31 December 2022 (Closed on Monday)

Time: 11:00-18:00 

Location: Information Centre (Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Wan Tung Building, No. 115 Tam Kung Road, Kowloon)

Enquiry: 3183 0928 / 5926 1456

Remark: Participants who download our mobile Apps will get a calendar gift set. Supply of the gifts is limited and available only while stocks last. 

#攝影展 #土瓜灣 #九龍城 #社區攝影 #展覽 #藝術 #老店 #老店空間 #舊式店舖 #snapshot #高手在民間 #高質 #九龍城主題步行徑 #絕美年曆 #手快有手慢冇 #快啲嚟睇展覽



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