2022年11月1日 星期二

港鐵 MTR:「屯馬綫洪水橋站」展覽車 玩遊戲 送特別版紀念品(11月3至6號)


👨:……(心諗:咁多問題 ,答完一條又有下一條……不如直接帶你去展覽車啦!)

嚟緊幾日,「屯馬綫洪水橋站」展覽車將會出動去屯元天捐窿捐罅❗ 記住到時上車睇吓,現場仲有有獎遊戲玩,有機會攞到特別版紀念品𠻹😍


#一站式解答囝囝問題 #屯馬綫 #洪水橋站 #GoSmartGoBeyond #載向未來


Interested to know more about the new Hung Shui Kiu Station project? Here is an opportunity! 

A mobile exhibition on the new station project will be arranged at various spots of Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai between 3-6 November. You can win a special souvenir by completing a quiz at the exhibition. Apart from the details of the new Hung Shui Kiu Station project, you can further explore the development potential of the area!

Come and learn more about Hung Shui Kiu Station🔍 Dates and locations of the mobile exhibition 👇👇 


#TuenMaLine #HungShuiKiuStation #GoSmartGoBeyond



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