2022年9月29日 星期四

香港哥爾夫球:狗狗同樂日 贏取精美禮物包(10月1號)

 趁放假同您的毛孩一齊享受大自然!🐶 香港哥爾夫球會將於國慶日10月1日(星期六)下午1時至下午6時半開放 #粉嶺舊球場 1至4號洞,舉辦 #狗狗同樂日!主人們可以藉此一覽球場内的美景,與毛孩們齊齊在一大片無際的綠悠悠草地上奔跑放電,更可以在珍稀古樹的樹蔭下乘涼休息,實在是一大樂事!🌳

是次活動無需預先登記,5歲或以上之參加者必需完成相關疫苗通行證之要求才可參加活動。活動當日由下午1時開始,本會將提供免費泊車安排予接載狗隻之車輛,車位將以先到先得方法分配。🚗 活動期間主人需替狗隻繫上牽繩,並對狗隻之所有行為負責。

各位喜歡為毛孩拍照留念的主人們,記得參加「香港哥爾夫球會狗狗同樂日攝影比賽」,記下狗狗在球場上可愛得意的一面,贏取球會送出之精美禮物包!報名表格為 https://forms.gle/b3FvCqU3HxShLFRL9 ,此網站連結將於10月1日(星期六)開始啟用。有關比賽之詳情及時間表,請查閲本會網站。


Why not spend the upcoming National Day holiday by enjoying nature with your dogs!? 🐶

The Club is organising Doggy Day Fun at Fanling on Saturday 1 October from 1pm to 6:30pm. Holes 1-4 of the Old Course will be open for the public to enjoy a relaxing stroll across the ancient and scenic tree-lined landscape with their canine companions! 🌳

No registration is required for this event. But all participants aged 5 and over must fulfill ‘Vaccine Pass’ requirements to enter the venue. 

Starting from 1pm, car parking will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis to event participants who bring along their dogs. 🚗

Please note that during the day, dogs must be kept on a leash and owners are responsible for their pet’s’ behaviour. 

Participants can also take part in a photo competition on the day! 📷 Application form: https://forms.gle/b3FvCqU3HxShLFRL9 .The link will be activated on Saturday 1 October. For details and schedule of the photo competition, please visit the Club's website.

We hope to see you at Fanling.

#香港哥爾夫球會 #高爾夫球 #香港高爾夫球 #香港運動 #狗狗好去處 #毛孩 #國慶 #HKGC #Golf #HongKongGolf #HongKongSports #OldCourse #Dog #Doggy #PRC



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