2022年9月29日 星期四

IKEA 宜家:荃灣店5周年 購物滿$2500 即減$200(至10月12號)

最新信用卡超市生活百貨個人護理店優惠👉 http://bit.ly/超市優惠


唔好講咁多,只要對住呢個Post 唱:

Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan,Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan,Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan,Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan~


* 網上購物完之後,記住入埋優惠碼「ECSEP22」


[5th-anniversary celebration for Tsuen Wan store!]

Say no more, just sing in front of this post:

Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan, Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan, Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan, Happy Birthday to IKEA Tsuen Wan~

And you will get a $200 discount for once upon $2,500 single purchase of furniture and home accessories at IKEA store and online shopping*. Seize the celebration offer from 29 Sep till 12 Oct!

*Don’t forget to enter the discount code “ECSEP22” during checkout.

Check out the latest promotion: https://bit.ly/5th___Anniversary



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