2022年10月1日 星期六

PayMe:消費券優惠攻略第二彈 美食篇

【PayMe 消費券優惠攻略第二彈:美食篇 😋】

第二輪消費券又到手,準備好食好嘢未?🤤 今期我哋又準備咗一系列美食優惠,享高達港幣53元折扣同低至7折!無論係和牛燒肉🥩定係日式輕食🍣,高質中菜🍲抑或醒神咖啡☕️,通通有賞!😋

即刻碌去左邊睇晒所有優惠啦!無用 PayMe 拎消費券?唔緊要,只要用 PayMe 消費都可以享用優惠!

1️⃣ 燒肉Like香港:惠顧滿港幣120元或以上,即獲港幣20元折扣優惠券

2️⃣ Starbucks Hong Kong :惠顧滿港幣99元或以上,即減港幣30元;另外用 PayMe 於門市增值 Starbucks 會員帳號滿港幣300元,送中杯裝手調飲品兌換券一張

3️⃣ 魚尚壽司 Uo-Show:惠顧任何金額,即獲港幣 3 元折扣優惠券

4️⃣ 美心中菜:享低至 7 折

無用 PayMe 拎消費券?唔緊要,只要用 PayMe 消費都可以享用優惠!🤩

即去 PayMe App「探索」主頁了解更多詳情。

#滙豐 #消費券 #PayMe消費券



【PayMe’s voucher guide round 2: Tasty food deals 😋】

Sate your cravings with the second round of your consumption voucher! 🤤 From the finest grilled wagyu 🥩 and light Japanese meal 🍣, to sumptuous Chinese cuisine 🍲 and morning coffee ☕️ – check out our list of delicious food deals worth up to HKD 53 and 30% off! 😋

Swipe left to see a delicious selection of our food deals. Decided not to receive your voucher with PayMe? Don’t worry, these offers are for all PayMe users!

1️⃣  YAKINIKU LIKE: Get an HKD 20 discount voucher when you spend HKD 120 or more

2️⃣ Starbucks Hong Kong: HKD 30 off when you spend HKD 99 or more; or get a free tall drink when you reload your Starbucks membership account with HKD 300 and pay with PayMe in store

3️⃣  Uo-show: Get an HKD 3 discount voucher when you make a purchase of any amount

4️⃣  Maxim's Chinese Cuisine: Get up to 30% off

Decided not to receive your consumption voucher with PayMe? Don’t worry, these offers are for all PayMe users! 🤩

Check out the Discover tab in PayMe for full details of each offer.

#HSBC #HSBCHK #PayMeHK #2022PhaseIIConsumptionVoucherScheme #RewardsforAll



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