2022年10月1日 星期六

Starbucks:秋日消費券繽紛優惠 額外折扣優惠(10月1號起)



🛍🍁 Starbucks 秋日消費券繽紛優惠聽日(10月1日)開始喇! ☕️ 喺4個支付平台消費都可以盡享獨家優惠!俾你盡情消費,兼賺取繽紛獎賞! 🎉

❤️ PayMe

1️⃣ Starbucks Rewards會員親臨任何一間星巴克分店,透過PayMe增值$300,即可獲贈中杯裝飲品一杯! (免費飲品將會在Starbucks Rewards 賬戶內送出)

2️⃣ 每次消費滿$99或以上並全數以PayMe支付,即享$30折扣優惠。

💚 八達通

1️⃣ 親臨任何一間星巴克分店,透過八達通購買 10張$30現金禮券,即可獲贈多3張。盡享77折優惠!

2️⃣ 每次消費滿$50或以上並全數使用八達通支付,即享$8折扣優惠。

💙 AlipayHK

1️⃣ 於AlipayHK手機應用程式購買10張$30電子現金禮券,即可獲贈多3 張。盡享77折優惠!

2️⃣ 每次消費滿$70或以上並全數使用AlipayHK支付,即享$10折扣優惠。

💖 BoC Pay

☕️ 每次消費滿$75或以上並全數使用BoC Pay支付,即享$12折扣優惠。

#消費券獨家優惠 #消費券 #八達通 #支付寶 #PayMe #BoCPay #StarbucksHK

🛍🍁 Starbucks Autumn Consumption Voucher Scheme Offer is starting tomorrow (October 1) to celebrate with you! ☕️ We have prepared a series of exclusive offers just for you! 🎉

❤️ PayMe

1️⃣ Starbucks Rewards members will receive a tall size handcrafted beverage reward upon reloading $300 or more at any Starbucks stores with PayMe.  (reward will be given out at Starbucks Rewards account)

2️⃣ Enjoy $30 off upon $99 or more purchase for each transaction.

💚 Octopus

1️⃣ Upon purchase of 10 pieces of $30 Gift Certificate at any Starbucks store, you will receive 3 pieces for free. Enjoy 33% off!

2️⃣ Enjoy $8 off upon $50 or more purchase for each transaction.

💙 AlipayHK

1️⃣ Upon purchase of 10 pieces of $30 e-Gift Certificate via AlipayHK App, you will receive 3 pieces for free. Enjoy 33% off!

2️⃣ Enjoy $10 off upon $70 or more purchase for each transaction.

💖 BoC Pay

☕️ Enjoy $12 off upon $75 or more purchase for each transaction. 


#Octopus #AlipayHK #PayMe #BoCPay

#Starbucks #StarbucksHK



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