2022年10月1日 星期六

海洋公園 x 中環街市:哈囉喂期間限定店 玩遊戲送豐富禮品(至10月30號)


萬聖節將近,公園嘅神秘惡靈已經蠢蠢欲動,忍唔住「殺」入中環街市 Central Market  同大家見面👻!今日就喺「海洋公園 x 中環街市 哈囉喂期間限定店」開幕嘅大日子啦😎!

哈囉喂點少得「Trick or Treat」😆!我哋準備咗「南神大亂鬥」拼圖游戲🧩,喺限時之內⌛完成拼圖就可以帶走我哋嘅豐富禮品,贏咗仲有機會得到哈囉喂門票優惠券添😍!除咗哈囉喂小遊戲,期間限定店仲有超得意嘅「南神」打卡位🎃同公園精品,就連公園嘅企鵝毛公仔🐧都換咗中環街市限定嘅「南神」衫仔同大家見面呀~


「海洋公園 x 中環街市 哈囉喂期間限定店」詳情:


開放時間:下午12點至下午7點 (星期一至五);上午11點至下午8點(星期六、日,以及公衆假期)



日期:10月3, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22日 


[#OPNews] Halloween Pop-up Store in Central Market!

Halloween is coming, the “ghosts” are ready to make trouble, and couldn't wait to meet you all in Central Market👻! Today is the opening of “Ocean Park x Central Market Halloween Pop-up Store”!😎

We love playing “Trick or Treat” during Halloween😆! We have prepared the puzzle game for you🧩! Try your best to finish the puzzle in the limited time, you will get a special gift or even e-coupon for an admission ticket😍! Apart from playing a puzzle game, you can also take a selfie with the “pumpkin monster” 🎃 and buy the park merchandise, our penguin plush toy 🐧 has already worn the Central Market “Pumpkin Monster” limited costume and waiting for YOU!

Let me tell you a secret, there would be a Halloween ghost playing puzzle game with you🤫! If you wanna take a photo with them, remember to bookmark the pop-up store detail!

Detail of “Ocean Park x Central Market Halloween Pop-up Store”:

Date: From now to 30 Oct 22

Opening hours: 12pm to 7pm (weekday); 11am to 8pm (Weekend and public holiday)

Venue:Shop120, Central Market

Halloween Ghost Flash Mob:

Date: 3, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 Oct 2022

Time: 1pm to 2pm

#hkoceanpark #OPHalloweenFest2022 #OceanParkXCentralMarket #PopUpStore 

#海洋公園 #哈囉園全園祭2022 #哈囉園宇宙 #中環街市 #期間限定店



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