2022年9月29日 星期四

永安百貨: 超級購物日 低至2折(9月30號至10月23號)

 倒數2日,萬眾期待嘅 #超級購物日 就開始喇!由2022年9月30號起至10月23 號,除咗大量精選貨品低至2折,喺指定日子購買指定貨品,即享⏰門市限時超抵優惠⏰!一於約埋親朋好友,一齊嚟睇吓有咩啱心水,把握機會嚟門市掃貨啦🛒!

立即到 https://c01.co/15v9g 了解更多⭐超級購物日⭐嘅至抵優惠!

另外,歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」同🔸BoC Pay付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~

😍2 days to go for the start of Super Sale! Apart from the massive discounts up to 80% off on a wide range of selected items, we are also offering ⏰in-store exclusive limited time offers⏰! Visit our stores during September 30 to October 23, 2022 to enjoy all the amazing offers! Take a glance at our selected items and plan your visit with family and friends🛒.

Learn more about the exclusive offers of ⭐Super Sale⭐ at https://c01.co/15v9g

Also, welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, Tap & GO and 🔸BoC Pay and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores!

#永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #SuperSale #永安115週年 #門市限時超抵優惠 #LimitedSpecialOffersForStores #低至2折 #UpTo80PercentOff #WelcomeToUseConsumptionVoucher



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