2022年9月30日 星期五

H&M:舊衣回收限時雙重獎賞 送9折優惠券(至10月12號)

 舊衣回收限時雙重獎賞💚| 整理秋冬衣櫃時發現好多幾年都無再著嘅舊衫?宜家將屋企唔再得寵嘅舊衣物帶嚟任何香港門市回收,即可獲得兩張9折優惠券*🎁!立即行動,支持時尚減廢之餘更可以優惠價入手新季時尚✨!

Is your fall-winter wardrobe filled with garments never been worn for years? 💚Recycle these unwanted garments with us today in any H&M HK store to receive double 10% off vouchers*🎁 - for the next purchase on your new fashion crushes✨! 

📍門市資訊 Store information: hm.info/61824zf8g

♻️對我哋嘅舊衣回收計劃了解更多 Know more about our garment collecting program: hm.info/61804n82A

#SustainableFashion #HMConscious #HMhongkong #InStoreOnly


活動日期:即日至2022年10月12日。Activity period: 29 Sept - 12 Oct, 2022. 

*可享一件商品9折優惠,每捐贈一袋衣物可獲取1張,每日最多換領2張。條款及細則詳情請參閲優惠券背面。*10% off one item of your choice. 1 voucher for each bag of garments donated. Customers can receive a maximum of 2 vouchers per day. Terms & conditions apply.



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