2022年9月26日 星期一

香港都會大學:有獎遊戲 送$50 電子咖啡禮券(至9月28號)


【都大開箱 - 問答遊戲第1️⃣ 回】


 (🌟將選擇題答案以 Facebook私訊形式傳送至本專頁🌟)


A. 學術廊充電單車 (IOH) 

B.  電影電視錄影廠導播室 (JCC) 

C. 護理實驗室的電子模擬解剖桌 (IOH) 

D. 共用學習設施的椅子 (IOH)

頭100名答中以上問題者將獲得 $50 電子咖啡禮券!受條款及細則約束。

【Unboxing HKMU social media game – 1st week】

It's been a while since the start of term, did you have a chance to explore HKMU😎? In order to help our students to learn more about our facilities and enjoy their campus life.  We will roll out a game each week in the coming 4 weeks to unbox and find out more about HKMU together 😆! (🌟Send your multiple choice answer to this page through Facebook inbox🌟)

👉🏻 Can you guess what this facility is❓

A. Energy Bike in academic concourse (IOH)

B. Studio floor in Film/TV Studio (JCC)

C. Virtual dissection table in nursing lab (IOH)

D. Chair in learning common (IOH)

The first 100 participants who answer the above question correctly will receive $50 E-coffee vouchers. Terms and conditions apply.


1. 讚好及追蹤此香港都會大學 Hong Kong Metropolitan University Facebook 專頁

2. 讚好此帖子

3. 於留言區標註3位好友

4. 將選擇題答案以 Facebook 私訊形式傳送至本專頁

截止日期:2022年9月28 日(下午11:59)


1. 得獎者將獲得港幣$50 電子咖啡禮券。

2. 都大將以 Facebook 私訊方式通知並發放獎品予得獎者。

3. 如得獎人數超過100人,都大會以先到先得形式決定得獎名單。

4. 如提交多於一個答案,都大將以最後提交的答案為準。

5. 每位參加者在整個系列遊戲中參加次數不限,但最多只獲一次獲獎機會。

6. 都大有權將不恰當之留言(包括但不限於暴力、色情、人身攻擊、侵犯私隱等)移除。

7. 如有任何爭議,都大將保留最終決定權,包括隨時暫停、更改或終止活動及其條款及細則,而毋須另行通知。

🔷How to join?🔷

1. Like and follow this“香港都會大學 Hong Kong Metropolitan University” Facebook page

2. Like this post

3. Tag 3 friends in the comment section of this post

4. Send your multiple choice answer to this page through Facebook inbox

Deadline: 28 September 2022 (11:59pm)

🔷Terms and Conditions🔷

1. Winners will be awarded with electronic E-coffee vouchers valued at HK$50.

2. HKMU will notify the winners and send the prizes via Facebook inbox.

3. If the number of winners exceed 100, HKMU will determine the winners on a first-come-first-served basis.

4. If more than one answer is submitted, HKMU will only accept the final answer.

5. Multiple participations are permitted but each participant is eligible to win prize once only in the whole series of game.

6. HKMU reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments (which include but not limited to violent, sexual, personal attack, violation of privacy, etc.).

7. In case of disputes, decision of HKMU is final, including suspension, termination or change of any details of The Activity and its Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

#都大開箱 #認識都大 #問答遊戲 #香港都會大學 #都大 #HongKongMetropolitanUniversity #HKMU #MU #都會與我無限可能 #MeAndYouBeyondLimits #MeAndYou #MM7campus #Treasurehunt #UnboxingHKMU #Unboxinggame




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