2022年9月28日 星期三

HK Express:新增超過400班航班及80,000機位



【80,000 more seats to your favourite destinations!】


即刻click入去了解航班資訊兼撲飛, 一齊 #開展您想旅程:https://bit.ly/3LRchmM

Good news spreads fast! Soon after the news on relaxation of travel restrictions in Hong Kong and Japan was out last week, we had a record number of bookings for our flights. Thank you all for your support and patience!

We all know that you want to fly ASAP, and we have MORE good news for you! We have added more than 400 flights (that’s more than 80,000 seats*^~~~) to your favourite destinations, giving you more choices for #revengetravelling! Click here now to book and fly: https://bit.ly/3CdPf6u

*營運須經監管部門批准。Subject to regulatory approval.

^航班資訊會不時更新,預訂前請參閱HK Express網站/手機App上嘅最新資訊。Flight details are subject to change. Please refer to HK Express website/ mobile app for the latest information before booking.

#開展您想旅程 #TravelYourWayWithUO #Express #HKExpress #YourMove



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