2022年9月26日 星期一

Sino Club:25周年慶祝活動 有獎遊戲送 Starbucks電子禮券、香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店 $500 電子餐飲禮券

 【Sino Club 25周年慶祝活動!】

Sino Club 25歲啦! 為了慶祝和答謝大家 25年來的支持,我們準備了一系列豐富有趣的有獎問答遊戲。由9月26日開始,我們準備了一連5星期、總共25天考考大家與信和集團和Sino Club 有關的問題!問題包含5個主題,順序分別是綠色生活、創新構思、心繫社區、會員活動精彩回顧和Sino Club小知識。每星期(星期一至五)共有5條問題,每天一題 (遊戲時間:中午12時正至翌日上午11時正),每星期會轉新一輪問題。

每天最快又正確回答問題的10位參加者將會獲得Starbucks電子禮券 (總值港幣50元),而每星期最快又正確回答所有5條問題的首5位參加者,將會獲得香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店港幣500元電子餐飲禮券一張!大家記得每日凖時參加遊戲,贏取豐富禮物獎賞!

立即登記成為Sino Club會員,接收最新的會員資訊:https://sinoclub.page.link/PhTC

【Sino Club’s 25th Anniversary Celebration!】

Sino Club turns 25! To celebrate and show our gratitude for your support over the past 25 years, we have prepared a series of exciting giveaway! Starting from 26 September, there will be 5 rounds of Sino Club and Sino Group related quizzes in a total of 25 days. The 5-round quizzes are divided into 5 different themes, including Green Living, Innovative Design, Community Spirit, Member Event Highlights and Sino Club fun facts! There will be a total of 5 questions in each week (Monday to Friday) , and we will be posting 1 question every day. (Game time: 12 noon to 11 a.m. the next day). A new round of questions will be updated weekly.

The first 10 participants with the correct answer on each day will get a Starbucks e-Gift Certificate (total value of HK$50). The first 5 participants who answer all 5 questions correctly in each week will receive a HK$500 dining e-voucher of The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong! Don’t forget to participate our exciting game on time every day to win amazing gifts from Sino Club!

Sign up as a member now! Enjoy exclusive premium offers and get the latest updates from Sino Club: https://sinoclub.page.link/uXZv

#SinoClub #CreatingBetterLifescapes #LifescapeCollections #25週年 #慶祝活動 #有獎問答遊戲 #GreenLiving #InnovativeDesign #CommunitySpirit #EventHighlights #Starbucks #綠色生活 #創新構思 #心繫社區 #富麗敦海洋公園酒店



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